
Senators Seek Deal To Fund Healthcare Subsidies That Trump Eliminated

Trump and Republicans are destroying the Affordable Care Act despite the inability to repeal or replace it.  Trump's sabotage hit a disgusting new low last week ending the funding of subsidies paid to insurance companies to make coverage affordable for millions.  They're known as "cost-sharing reduction" payments.   This action will destroy the Affordable Care Act insurance markets and eliminate healthcare for millions and that's exactly why Trump team suggested it.

Tom Price Resigns For Wasting Taxpayer Funds But He's Not Alone

Back in February, it took an overnight rushed vote for Senate Republicans to get Tom Price confirmed as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  As a reminder, he vacated his House seat representing the northern portion of Atlanta, Georgia which led to the highly publicized special election in which Democrat Jon Ossoff nearly claimed the seat despite it being a Republican stronghold.

Pro-Gun Bills Move Forward in Congress THIS WEEK

This past June marked the one year anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando that left 49 dead and the second anniversary of the chuch shooting in Charleston where nine were murdered during Bible study.  It was also back in June that House Republicans began work on something known as the "Hearing Protection Act."  

You are not alone if you had no idea what this is about until now.  With this Act, House Republicans are seeking to relax restrictions on firearm silencers making it easier for shooters to shoot without being noticed.  

Trump Seeks to Eliminate FDA Rule Requiring Calories to be Posted

After significant research and consideration, OUR government, working on behalf of OUR interests, decided in 2010 to begin working towards restaurants and grocery stores posting health information about the food they are offering.

The rule that the FDA originally proposed in 2011 and finalized in 2014 requires chains with 20 or more locations to list calories on all menus so they are visible when a consumer is ordering.  A federal mandate requiring calories be posted on menus was to take effect May 5. The Trump administration has postponed its implementation...

Republicans Seek to Restrict Elderly from Suing Nursing Homes Over Abuse or Neglect

Government is intended to represent the People and work on their behalf.  However, many elected and appointed government officials WE employ to operate our nation work everyday to protect the rights of corporations instead of us.

It is difficult to fathom a more clear and appalling example of this than the matter described below to restrict elderly nursing homes residents and their families from suing the facilities in court over alleged abuse, neglect or sexual assault.

Obamacare Repeal Fails as McCain Casts Decisive No Vote

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the target of Republican leaders and their base since its passage.  With full control Congress and the White House, they now hold the power to make changes. They are certain of their desire to remove the funding mechanism for ACA -- a tax on the wealthiest citizens -- everything else be damed including millions of citizens who will not be able to obtain or afford coverage.

BREAKING: Senate Votes to Begin Debating Obamacare Repeal

 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the target of Republican leaders and their base since its passage.  With full control Congress and the White House, they now hold the power to make changes. They are certain of their desire to remove the funding mechanism for ACA -- a tax on the wealthiest citizens -- everything else be damed including millions of citizens who will not be able to obtain or afford coverage.
