
Budget Cuts Series: Trump's 2020 Budget has $220,000,000 Cuts to Food Stamps

For over two years, Smart Dissent's Budget Cuts Series has exposed Trump's proposed budget cuts, finding savage proposals hidden beneath the surface.  The Trump White House proposed their third budget in mid-March 2019 and we're finally catching up now in May.

In today's Budget Cut Series, Trump, Mulvaney, and their criminal enterprise propose $220 billion in cuts to SNAP – food stamps for families to put food on the table. Food so children don’t have to go to bed hungry. 

TAKING AWAY OUR HEALTHCARE: Trump's Budget Calls for Cutting $845,000,000,000 from Medicare

The Trump administration wants to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from the Medicare budget, all while giving billionaires and giant corporations huge tax breaks with the GOP Tax Scam. This is immoral. 

The budget released by the White House [in March 2019] calls for a sizable reduction for Medicare, the federal insurance for older Americans that Trump has consistently promised to protect. 

Existing Law That Fights Drug Price Increases Targeted by Trump

The one thing, literally the one thing, Trump has ever said that made a single ounce of sense was that prescription drug prices are too high.  Of course, he has no idea what to do about that and the Republicans surrounding him have zero interest in lowering prices.  In fact, they are former execs from drug companies and healthcare lobbyists who have worked to maintain the power of the drug industry.

Budget Cuts Series: Trump Budget Would Destroy Medicaid

For over two years, Smart Dissent's Budget Cuts Series has exposed Trump's proposed budget cuts, finding savage proposals hidden beneath the surface.  The Trump White House proposed their third budget in mid-March 2019 but it's been insanely hectic since then so our Series has a lot to catch up on during April and May 2019.

In today's Budget Cut Series we're sharing that Trump's 2020 budget calls for major reductions in spending on Medicaid.

Federal Judge Rejects Trump’s Junk Healthcare Plans That Cover Nothing


A federal judge in Washington ruled late Thursday [March 28, 2019] that the Trump administration’s push to make health insurance plans available outside the Affordable Care Act that avoid the requirements of the health-care law was illegal, calling the efforts “clearly an end-run around the ACA.”

SWAMP ALERT: Pork Industry Soon Will Run Their Own Food Safety Inspections

In every aspect of life, there are complex decisions with a multitude of factors to consider and difficult choices to be made.  Conversely, there are those that the dumbest person you've ever met can understand and make the correct decision.  Except Republicans in 2019 are so corrupt, they go ahead anyway either figuring we are stupid or not paying attention.

SWAMP ALERT: Seema Verma Runs Our Healthcare While Stealing Millions of Taxpayer Dollars

Another Swamp Alert... a major Trump-appointed Republican official stealing from our nation.  This time, it's Seema Verma, who runs Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act. She keeps trying to destroy these programs citing their costs while spending millions of taxpayer dollars to make herself look good.

Republican Dept of Justice Now Wants to Kill the Entire Affordable Care Act Including Pre-Existing Conditions

Smart Dissent has posted more than 20 times on Republican efforts to eliminate healthcare coverage for as many people as possible, knowing killing people.  Following the GOP legislative failures to kill people via repeal of the ACA, we've seen dozens of administration quiet ways the Trump admin has gutted the program, costing Americans everything.
