Senate Confirmation

Middle of the Night Vote Confirms Rep. Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services

In an overnight vote, the Senate confirmed Tom Price to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services despite ethics issues regarding lucrative stock purchases of companies his legislation would directly impact. Price's primary role at HHS is expected to be overseeing the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and rollbacks to medicare and medicaid. His past opposition to federal health care programs of all varieties appears to have been his primary positive attribute to Republicans in Congress and at the White House.

ACTION: Call the Senate Committee on Homeland Security to Tell Them to Say NO to Bannon on the National Security Council

Steve Bannon needs Senate confirmation in order to be appointed to the National Security Council. The Homeland Security Committee will be discussing his confirmation in the coming week. Call 202.224.4751 and use the script below to register your anger at the prospect that this white supremacist talk show host might be on the National Security Council.