Be Smart. Stay Informed. Actively Dissent.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Rather than doing the soul-searching that should follow a massive electoral loss, Republicans are changing the rules to shield themselves from election outcomes. They are making the government less responsive to the popular will.

In 2016 to little national coverage, North Carolina wrote the playbook Wisconsin and Michigan are using to undermine democracy.  

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Actions have consequences and the Republican leadership's xenophobic immigration policy is stopping the best and the brightest from coming to America.  Historically, students have come from across the globe to study at our universities and then contribute to our society, growing our economy and strengthening our nation'a future.  Not anymore.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Potentially the last in our eight part Blue Wave Recap Series, celebrating a tremendous wave that the national media has not and will not fully convey.  In this post we drive home the simple fact that this was the BIGGEST WIN IN THE HISTORY OF MIDTERM ELECTIONS.

Democrats won the House with the largest margin of victory in a midterms election for either party...

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Republican tax scam in late 2017 was known by all intelligent people to be a massive giveaway to the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations.  Most everyone else besides them would eventually see their tax burden INCREASE.  If you're reading this web site, you know this already so instead let's share some new analysis from mid-November on the impacts after one year.

Nearly a year after the tax cut, economic growth has accelerated. Wage growth has not. Companies are buying back stock and business investment is a mixed bag.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Stephen Miller and other despicable, xenophobic power-wielding puppeteers of the Trump administration proudly continue to find any way possible to harm immigrants via tear gas, not processing asylum requests, and STILL separating families despite it being ruled illegal by a federal judge.
