Climate Change

Trump Rescinds Obama Executive Order to Improve Flood Management Days Before Hurricane Harvey

Just 10 days before Hurricane Harvey hit the coast of Texas threatening the state with massive flooding, the White House revoked Executive Order 13690, which increased standards for federal flood risk management.

In January 2015, President Obama issued an executive order requiring all federal investments involving floodplains to meet higher flood risk management standards.

EPA Removes Climate Science Website After Two Decades

The current head of the Environmental PROTECTION Agency Scott Pruitt wishes the EPA did not exist and does not believe climate change is real. Amist your fury, if you're still able to read more you'll be incensed to learn that because of Pruitt's beliefs (to put corporate interest over our globe and people), the EPA web site has been scrubbed of scientific information related to our planet and its climate.

Executive Action to Reverse Environmental Regulation, Promote Pollution Coming This Week

An executive order is anticipated this week that will dismantle efforts of President Obama to curb the impacts of climate change and lower 

The moves are intended to send an unmistakable signal to the nation and the world that Trump intends to follow through on his campaign vows to rip apart every element of .... policies to address climate change.

Scott Pruitt, Who Has Built a Career Out of Suing to Block E.P.A.’s Major Environmental Rules, Confirmed to Run (and Dismantle) Agency

Scott Pruitt, who has called for the dissolution of much of the agency’s authority, has been confirmed to run the Environmental Protection Agency.  He is a seasoned legal opponent of the agency and will now lead Trump's publicized efforts to dismantle major regulations on climate change and clean water and "get rid" of the agency.  At a time when our nation and the world would benefit from a more supported EPA, the exact opposite has occurred, an impossible pill to swallow.