
FCC Threatens Regulations Limiting Data Collection by ISPs

In another move that increases the power of internet service providers, such as Comcast, Time Warner, AT&T, Verizon, and others, the Federal Communications Commission paused the roll-out of previously approved regulations requiring companies to inform their customers about what information is collected about them and how it is being used.

The newly appointed Republican chairman of the Federal Communications Commission is moving to scale back the implementation of sweeping privacy rules for Internet providers passed last year.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Changes Rules to Make Internet for Low-Income Americans Harder to Obtain

Newly installed FCC Chairman Ajit Pai restricted the scope of a federal program intended to provide internet access to low-income Americans just a week after claiming that closing digital divide would be one of his top priorities.

Regulators are telling nine companies they won't be allowed to participate in a federal program meant to help them provide affordable Internet access to low-income consumers - weeks after those companies had been given the green light.