What's in the Senate "Healthcare" Bill? Even Deeper Cuts

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the target of Republican leaders and their base since its passage.  With full control Congress and the White House, they now hold the power to make changes. They are certain of their desire to remove the funding mechanism for ACA -- a tax on the wealthiest citizens -- everything else be damed including millions of citizens who will not be able to obtain or afford coverage.

On May 4th, the House GOP voted to take healthcare away from at least 23 million Americans according to the Congressional Budget Office report, which came after the vote was rushed through.

A group of Republican Senators have operated in total secrecy on the Senate's version of a "healthcare" bill to take away said healthcare from nearly 10% of the country while Democratic Senators attempted to unveil the details and slow the process.

Today, the small group of Senate Republicans finally unveiled their private plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with no healthcare for millions of individuals.  They expect to vote on it by the end of next week.  Those who held out hope the Senate would serve as a voice of reason compared to the savage "healthcare" bill passed by the House have been proven wrong unfortunately.  The Senate bill appears to be even worse.

The bill is similar to the one passed by the House in May, but it makes several significant alterations, including deeper cuts and structural changes to Medicaid, a program that insures one in five Americans, including two-thirds of nursing home residents.

It's important to review and understand what is being proposed here.  Smart Dissent urges everyone to review the easy to understand graphics at the New York Times link.


 Source: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/22/us/senate-health-care-bill.html

Thursday, June 22, 2017