US Citizenship and Immigration Services Creates Task Force To Revoke Citizenship

There is so much evil being perpetrated by Republicans taking full advantage of their unchecked power.  Those who have watched their actions and listened to their rhetoric for many years aren't shocked.  With complete power, Republicans like Jeff Sessions are acting out their wildest dreams.  The shock is primarly that millions of people support them and are either too stupid to see our nation being dismantled or too evil to care.

The United States government has long reserved its power to revoke citizenship for the rarest of cases, going after the likes of war criminals, child rapists and terrorist funders.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is creating a new task force. Its goal: to examine what they say are bad naturalization cases, according to Director L. Francis Cissna’s June announcement.

As a result, the organization expects to hire dozens of lawyers and immigration officers in the coming weeks to find U.S. citizens they say should not have been naturalized, to revoke their citizenship, and then eventually deport them. unprecedented push by the Trump administration to revoke citizenship from people who committed criminal offenses before they became citizens.

Cissna is a Republican we wrote about 14 months ago in May of 2017 saying, "Be Smart about Cissna.  He is an expert on and one of the strongest opponents of immigration and humitarian efforts and his impact will be terrible.  Actively Dissent."  The post was accuratelty titled: "Cissna Set to Dismantle Immigration and Humanitarian Programs."

The courts have long been the bottleneck in revoking citizenship. DOJ has rarely pushed such cases to go forward and for decades....saved its limited resources in the area for more egregious cases....

Nothing seems right about this at all.  It flies in the face of logic and reason.

Last summer, the Supreme Court heard a court case about how broadly the government could.... revoke citizenship.  The U.S. attorney argued that it could for any crime, even something as small as driving five miles over the speed limit....

Justice Stephen Breyer said he found it “rather surprising that the government of the United States thinks” the naturalization law should be “interpreted in a way that would throw into doubt the citizenship of vast percentages of all naturalized citizens.”

The court ruled unanimously that only material offenses need to be disclosed.

How “material offenses” get interpreted is beginning to play out in denaturalization cases around the country, as decades-long residents find themselves unexpectedly in court.

When a denaturalization lawsuit is filed, the defendant's options are to fight it or be deported.... Immigration activists and lawyers are worried about the ease with which citizenship can be stripped...



Wednesday, July 18, 2018