Trump Admin Seeks to Change Definition of Poverty to Strip Low Income Americans of Medicaid, Food Stamps and More

This is a very big deal that must not be lost amidst all else going on.  The pain caused by their evil is their goal. 

The Trump administration hastaken a step toward changing the way the poverty threshold is calculated, a move that could strip many low-income Americans of their federal benefits.

The annual increase in the official poverty line, which determines who qualifies for food stamps, Medicaid and other assistance programs, is currently set using the consumer price index. The administration is considering switching to a different inflation measure that rises more slowly, a change that over time would make it harder to qualify for help.

Republicans believe in welfare for our largest and wealthiest corporations.  If they were able to, they'd strip every penny from the poor.  It's that simple.

The move is the latest in.... Trump and Republicans' continued attacks on the poor. The administration is also pushing working requirements and other restrictions in safety net programs, which will lead to many losing their benefits.

The switch would most likely affect Americans who have jobs, but don't earn a lot of money so they still qualify for assistance.

The Trump administration is floating a proposal that would unilaterally strip working class people of Medicaid, nutrition assistance and other basic support by pretending that our definition of poverty is too generous....



Tuesday, June 11, 2019