Families Are STILL Being Separated at the Border; Read About Brayan

Stephen Miller and other despicable, xenophobic power-wielding puppeteers of the Trump administration proudly continue to find any way possible to harm immigrants via tear gas, not processing asylum requests, and STILL separating families despite it being ruled illegal by a federal judge.

The Trump administration has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border, in some cases using vague or unsubstantiated allegations of wrongdoing or minor violations against the parents, including charges of illegally re-entering the country, as justification.

This was supposed to have ended.  But actually the Republican Party and Trump simply waited until the massive movement quieted down, then continued to do it.  THIS IS ILLEGAL.

On June 20, Trump signed an executive order retreating from his so-called zero-tolerance immigration enforcement policy, which called on authorities to criminally prosecute adults caught illegally crossing the border and separate them from any children they brought with them. A week later, a federal judge, Dana M. Sabraw, issued an injunction against the separations and ordered the government to put the thousands of affected families back together.

Sabraw, however, exempted cases in which the safety of the child was at risk, and crucially, imposed no standards or oversight over those decisions. As a result, attorneys say, immigration officials — taking their cues from an administration that has made it clear it still believes family separations are an effective deterrent — are using whatever justification they can find, with or without substantiation, to deem immigrant parents unfit or unsafe.

As many intelligent people warned, this admin would simply make up reasons the parents were a danger, rip away their children, and therefore be able to deport the parents and try to keep others from daring follow.  THIS IS ILLEGAL.

A senior CBP official acknowledged that immigrant families are still being separated, but said the separations had “nothing to do with zero tolerance.”  The official declined to say how many children have been taken from their parents for what was said to be their own protection.

Pease read this real life example:

Brayan was such a case. He and his father Julio arrived at the border in mid-September, carrying a letter prepared by a Salvadoran lawyer that explained that he had fled El Salvador with his son because he had been attacked and threatened by gangs there for years.... the Salvadoran lawyer and Julio’s former employer sent sworn statements vouching for Julio’s character, and stating that he was never involved in criminal activity.

One official said that the agency had conducted a routine background check on Julio, and that it “confirmed his gang affiliation with MS-13.” ... declined to provide the evidence the agency had to support the allegation... Nor would she say why CBP believed Julio was a danger to his child.... not shared any evidence supporting its assertion of Julio’s gang ties with his lawyer, Georgia Evangelista.... 

A Border Patrol agent took Brayan, dressed in a SpongeBob SquarePants T-shirt, away, screaming.

“I’m furious about this. They aren’t playing by the rules,” Evangelista said, referring to U.S. immigration authorities. “They’re treating him like a criminal so they can justify taking away his son. Where’s the proof? It’s his word against theirs. It sickens me.”


Source: https://www.propublica.org/article/border-patrol-families-still-being-separated-at-border-after-zero-tolerance-immigration-po...

Monday, December 3, 2018