
ICE Official Who Said Detention Was "More Like Summer Camp" Will Now Lead The Agency

Only the best right?  Only the best.  Let's be smart about the terrible person nomination to lead ICE.

The Trump administration has tapped Matthew Albence to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the wake of the sudden resignation of its former leader.  Albence.... has risen quickly under the administration.... with the type of hardline approach that Trump may appreciate.

McConnell & Senate Republicans Go ‘Nuclear’ to Rush Through Trump Confirmations

When the history is written, America’s decline should be attributed largely to one man, and that man isn’t Trump. The most evil man in American government is Mitch McConnell.  It was McConnell who took the filibuster from a seldom-used mechanism meant to ensure that minority opinions would be heard to a routine method of subverting majority rule.  It was McConnell who famously promised to obstruct anything and everything Obama might do, irrespective of whether what was being obstructed was good policy, good for the country, or even if it had originated with his own party.

Trump’s Justice Department is Investigating Significantly Less Civil Rights Cases

The headline of this post surprises no one.  Most of you likely nodded your head and thought "of course."  That doesn't make it any less infuriating.  Civil rights enforcement exists to protect the most vulnerable among us.  Trump and Republicans could not care less.

The Civil Rights Division has been crucial in historic efforts to protect Americans’ rights.    The Trump administration is pursuing far fewer civil rights cases — including hate crimes, police bias, and disability rights cases.... 

The Democratic House Passed the Most Significant Gun Control Measure in Over 20 Years

The 2018 Blue Wave, the largest victory by one party in a midterm election in history, is leading the Democratic Party to pass many stellar bills in the House.  The two bills are focused on strengthening the federal background check system for firearms purchases, something that has very strong support nationwide regardless of party.

Disgraceful Acting Attorney General Seeks to End Asylum for Victims of Domestic Violence, Child Sex Abuse

Matt Whitaker is a disgrace to our JUSTICE Department.  He is a disrespectful person who does not believe in the rule of law, has committed fraud himself, and illegally works for Trump rather than on behalf of the American people.  We have no idea how he went from a nobody criminal stealing money from old women to acting Attorney General.  What a disaster.

Texas Discriminated Against Minority Voters and GOP's Justice Dept Doesn’t Care

Dictators stay in power by not allowing a vote for their position at all or staging an "election" that is controlled in a manner that pre-determines the results.  In the United States, something so brazen seems unimaginable.  From the "Election Integrity" Commission to revocation of the Voting Rights Act, wildly absurd claims of voter fraud and undocumented individuals voting, rampant gerrymandering and attempt to rig the 2020 Census..... These are directly from the playbook of a dictator, supported not just by Trump, but by a Republican Party determined to hold onto power at all costs.

SWAMP: Major GOP Donor Adelson Paid Jeff Sessions-Led Dept of Justice to Change Gambling Laws

This in fact is the swamp that needs to be drained.  When the richest people in this nation can pay off OUR Department of JUSTICE to get rules reversed, we see clear evidence of the swamp that corrupts all.  For it to be the Justice Department is a new level of shock.

Adelson, who has poured millions into a multiyear lobbying campaign....to curb online gambling.... spent tens of millions in the 2016 election backing Trump and has emerged as one of the most powerful and influential donors in GOP politics.

U.S. Halts Cooperation with United Nations on OUR Potential Human Rights Violations

In a move straight out of a tin-pot dictatorship, the Trump Administration has stopped responding to United Nations inquiries into human rights conditions.

The Trump admin has stopped cooperating with U.N. investigators over potential human rights violations occurring inside America, in a move that delivers a major blow to vulnerable U.S. communities....

Republicans Trying to Eliminate Major Rule Making It Easier to Get Away With Discrimination

The Trump administration, which has already rolled back Justice Department oversight of police departments and Education Department protections for transgender students, is targeting the principle of disparate impact in its latest effort to undermine civil rights enforcement.  Let's explain what that means.
