Before Resigning For Ignoring a Serial Child Rapist, Alex Acosta Twice Proposed to Slash Funds for Sex Trafficking Victims
BE SMART ABOUT: Paul Watkins Worked at a LGBTQ Hate Group, Now CFPB’s Director of Innovation
Only the best right? Only the best.....
BE SMART ABOUT is an important series highlighting examples of those in power (or in danger of acquiring power) who you need to stay informed about so you can share this knowledge and together we can Be Smart and Actively Dissent.
Today we discuss Paul Watkins, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office of Innovation, a new department created by White House Chief of Staff and right-wing ideologue Mick Mulvaney.
Trump's Republican Admin Cancels English Classes, Soccer, Legal Aid for Unaccompanied Children in U.S. "Shelters"
"The cruelty is the point." We are concentrating people who are different than us in camps and denying them services. You've likely seen in the past few days that our own government is arguing "we" should not have to provide hygiene products like soap or toothbrushes to impoverished, desperate children. This too:
Republicans Have Plan to Let Adoption Agencies Turn Away Same-Sex Parents
Republicans are pro-life until you're born. Then, go f--- yourself basically.
Trump is steadily rolling back Obama-era nondiscrimination policies across the entire federal government — including health care, housing and the military.
President Obama banned adoption and foster-care agencies from receiving federal funding if they refused to work with same-sex couples. Religious organizations have consistently bristled at that policy, arguing that they're being forced to contradict their beliefs.
PROOF: Trump, Ross Added Citizenship Question to 2020 Census to Directly Benefit Whites
A secret trove of documents were revealed Thursday showing that the Trump administration added a citizenship question to the 2020 census as part of a right-wing plan to change how voting districts are drawn in the United States—a plan hatched to benefit “non-Hispanic whites.”
A major Republican redistricting strategist played a role in the Trump administration's push to get a citizenship question on forms for the 2020 census.
New Trump Admin Rule Allows Homeless Shelters To Shut Out Transgender People
Trump’s administration will propose a rule that would allow homeless shelters to deny transgender people equal access. This combined with allowing denial of healthcare services to transgender individuals, which we will be adding to the Smart Dissent database next week, mean that Trump and Republicans have UNDONE EVERY TRANSGENDER PROTECTION PUT IN PLACE BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS ADMIN.
Betsy DeVos' Attempts to Destroy Education System Keep Hitting a Roadblock: Federal Courts
At the Smart Dissent Education page linked here, we have written over and over and over about the heinous efforts of the worthless Betsy DeVos to destroy our education system. Instead of drastically needed help for our schools and students, DeVos repeatedly inflict more harm in new ways.
Judges have rebuffed the education secretary’s attempts to pause or change a range of Obama-era policies.
Trump Administration Seeking To Restart 20,000 Suspended Immigration Cases
Florida Republicans Are Sabotaging a Constitutional Amendment That Gave Former Felons the Right to Vote
Florida Republicans are cruising quickly in a devilish attempt to sabotage Amendment 4, a ballot initiative that restored voting rights to about 1.4 million former felons. The GOP is now pushing through a bill that would disenfranchise roughly 1.1 million of them.
In November, a supermajority of Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment restoring voting rights to former felons who’ve completed their sentences.