
Healthcare Sabotage: Trump Officials Slash Funds to Help Consumers Sign Up

Trump and Republicans have many ways to destroy Obamacare despite the failure to repeal it in the Senate in 2017.  They eliminated the individual mandate in the 2017 tax scam that handed corporations and the wealthiest Americans billions of dollars.  They have stripped reimbursements to insurers forcing them to leave the exchanges, ended marketing of the healthcare plans, and more.  

Trump's Admin Unveils Plans to Slash the Social Safety Net

While Trump's administration was imprisoning children, giving concessions to North Korea, and relishing a Muslim Ban, his White House laid out plans to crush social programs.

Trump, spurred on by conservatives who want him to slash safety net programs, unveiled on Thursday [June 21, 2018] a plan to overhaul the federal government that could have a profound effect on millions of poor and working-class Americans.

Kenyan Clinic Rejects Trump Abortion Policy, Loses $2 Million In U.S. Aid

As you may remember from an earlier post on Smart Dissent, Trump signed an Executive Order back in January 2017 prohibiting international organizations that support or provide education on abortions from receiving U.S. taxpayer dollars. Prohibiting funds from going to these organizations is known as the Mexico City Policy, which isn't supposed to go into full effect until later this year.

Trump Signs Bipartisan Veterans Health Bill While Secretly Trying To End Funding For It

In late May 2018, the US Senate passed bipartisan - yes I said it, bipartisan - legislation to enhance the healthcare options for our Veterans.  

The Senate on Wednesday [5/23/18] overwhelmingly approved legislation paving the way for a major overhaul of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the way veterans access health care in the private sector at government expense.  The measure passed by a vote of 92-5....  The House passed the bill last week by an overwhelming margin of 347-70.

Trump's DOJ Tells Federal Courts To Remove Healthcare Protections for Preexisting Conditions

Trump and Republicans have many ways to destroy Obamacare despite the failure to repeal it in the Senate in 2017.  They eliminated the individual mandate in the 2017 tax scam that handed corporations and the wealthiest Americans billions of dollars.  They have stripped reimbursements to insurers forcing them to leave the exchanges, ended marketing of the healthcare plans, and more.  

The elimination of the individual mandate is causing the price of healthcare to skyrocket, making it unaffordable for millions.  This is digusting and infuriating.

Trump Tells Congress to Pull Back $15 Billion Primarily From Children’s Health Insurance Program

In March 2018, Trump signed the Omnibus Spending Bill, explained succinctly by Smart Dissent HERE.  He admittedly had no idea what was in it.  It included funding for a lot of crucial programs, many of which Republicans would like to savagely cut or end.

Now Trump's people have put their (empty) heads together and asked Congress to pull back some of the funding within that $1.3 trillion spending bill.

Planned Parenthood Sues Trump to Protect Low Income Women and Girls

The GOP and White House continue to target Planned Parenthood in any way possible.  They continuing to demonstrate a mind-numbing lack of understanding about the mission of and services provided by Planned Parenthood.

The bulk of federal money Planned Parenthood receives, though, goes toward preventive health care, birth control, pregnancy tests and other women's health services. Federal law prohibits taxpayer dollars from funding abortions and Planned Parenthood says 3% of the services it provides are abortions.
