Women's Rights

Republicans Have Plan to Let Adoption Agencies Turn Away Same-Sex Parents

Republicans are pro-life until you're born.  Then, go f--- yourself basically.

Trump is steadily rolling back Obama-era nondiscrimination policies across the entire federal government — including health care, housing and the military.  

President Obama banned adoption and foster-care agencies from receiving federal funding if they refused to work with same-sex couples. Religious organizations have consistently bristled at that policy, arguing that they're being forced to contradict their beliefs.

Trump Admin Will Issue Rule Allowing Denial of Healthcare to Transgender Patients

The evil and hate is the point.  Let's not mince words.  This is a government of Republicans who are attempting to discriminate against everyone except non-white males.

Trump administration officials are working on a new rule that... could blow up the nondiscrimination protections of the Affordable Care Act for LGBTQ individuals and make it easier for hospitals, physicians or insurers to deny care or coverage to transgender people for religious reasons.

Budget Cuts Series: Trump Budget Would Destroy Medicaid

For over two years, Smart Dissent's Budget Cuts Series has exposed Trump's proposed budget cuts, finding savage proposals hidden beneath the surface.  The Trump White House proposed their third budget in mid-March 2019 but it's been insanely hectic since then so our Series has a lot to catch up on during April and May 2019.

In today's Budget Cut Series we're sharing that Trump's 2020 budget calls for major reductions in spending on Medicaid.

After Hundreds of Crashes, a Stroller Faced Recall Until Trump Appointees Stepped In

Corruption.  That's the theme of our post this week.  Republicans put into key positions in OUR government who are paid off by the industries that are supposed to be in charge of.  Even when there have been hundreds of human injuries, lives lost, these GOP swamp creatures work tirelessly as servants for their corporate overlords instead of us.

Republican Dept of Justice Now Wants to Kill the Entire Affordable Care Act Including Pre-Existing Conditions

Smart Dissent has posted more than 20 times on Republican efforts to eliminate healthcare coverage for as many people as possible, knowing killing people.  Following the GOP legislative failures to kill people via repeal of the ACA, we've seen dozens of administration quiet ways the Trump admin has gutted the program, costing Americans everything.

House Democrats To Cap Off First 100 Days With Net Neutrality, Gender Pay Gap & Domestic Violence Laws

Elections have consequences.  We often say or read this in imploring people to vote or we end up with Trump and his like.  In this case, let's make it a positive for once.  The 2018 Blue Wave, the largest midterm House victory in history, means House Democrats will be introducing and passing legislation that American wants and needs.  We need to give these efforts the publicity and megaphone they deserve.

Federal Judge in Texas Says Affordable Care Act Unconstitutional; What's Next?

Trump and Republicans have many ways to destroy Obamacare despite the failure to repeal it in the Senate in 2017.  They eliminated the individual mandate in the 2017 tax scam that handed corporations and the wealthiest Americans billions of dollars.  They have stripped reimbursements to insurers forcing them to leave the exchanges, ended marketing of the healthcare plans, allowed junk plans that insure almost nothing which crash the system, and more.

The latest came last Friday night:

Republicans in Wisconsin and Michigan Undermine Democracy, Don't Give a Sh-t

Rather than doing the soul-searching that should follow a massive electoral loss, Republicans are changing the rules to shield themselves from election outcomes. They are making the government less responsive to the popular will.

In 2016 to little national coverage, North Carolina wrote the playbook Wisconsin and Michigan are using to undermine democracy.  
