Supreme Court

Setting the Record Straight: The Supreme Court and the Immigration Ban

Conservatives and Trump were rejoicing on Monday, June 26, 2017 and claiming a victory on the U.S. Supreme Court's opinion issued that day.  The Supreme Court granted certiorari in cases appealed from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and granted a stay of certain parts of the preliminary injunctions that stopped Trump's immigration ban from going into effect.  If you don't know exactly what the previous sentence means, you are not alone. Let's break down what the Supreme Court "opinion" means.

Senate Changes Rules For SCOTUS Confirmation - What Does it Mean?

What happened?

By a simple majority vote, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., set a new precedent in the Senate that will ease the confirmation for President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch on Friday, after 30 more hours of debate on the floor. "This will be the first, and last, partisan filibuster of a Supreme Court justice," said McConnell in a closing floor speech.
