
Federal Judge Says Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful

In April 2017, Trump signed an Executive Order aimed at ending the ban on offshore drilling in certain areas.  Smart Dissent painfully covered that here.  In late June, Trump spoke again on the topic (see here), claiming that progress is being made to make his "vision" a reality and sell our environment to the highest bidder.  

After Hundreds of Crashes, a Stroller Faced Recall Until Trump Appointees Stepped In

Corruption.  That's the theme of our post this week.  Republicans put into key positions in OUR government who are paid off by the industries that are supposed to be in charge of.  Even when there have been hundreds of human injuries, lives lost, these GOP swamp creatures work tirelessly as servants for their corporate overlords instead of us.

Acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt Is Busy Attacking Endangered Species Including Bald Eagle

Disgraced former Interior secretary Ryan Zinke was a corrupt, unethical person who was finally forced from the role.  Replacing him on an acting basis is David Bernhardt.  He is an oil lobbyist who is working on behalf of corporations to destroy our country.  We wrote extensively about him in January 2019.  Please revisit our BE SMART post on him by clicking here.

While Trump Distracts Us, His Admin Brags About Opening Millions of New Acres to Drilling

Since minute one, Trump's Republican administration has been focused on expanding oil, gas and coal development and sweeping away Obama-era environmental initiatives that the administration contends hurt America’s energy industry.  It continues and receives zero coverage.

The Trump administration is aggressively pressing ahead in expanding federal oil and gas industry leases that could lead to more drilling on land and at sea, defying an assessment by government scientists that the production and use of fossil fuels is accelerating climate change.

House Democrats To Cap Off First 100 Days With Net Neutrality, Gender Pay Gap & Domestic Violence Laws

Elections have consequences.  We often say or read this in imploring people to vote or we end up with Trump and his like.  In this case, let's make it a positive for once.  The 2018 Blue Wave, the largest midterm House victory in history, means House Democrats will be introducing and passing legislation that American wants and needs.  We need to give these efforts the publicity and megaphone they deserve.

Trump Again Seeks Deep Cuts in Renewable Energy Funding

Congressional Republicans make up bullsh-t that we will “innovate” our way out of our climate crisis.   So will they do that by supporting Trump’s 70% cut to renewable energy research?

Trump administration is again seeking severe cuts to the U.S. Energy Department division charged with renewable energy and energy efficiency research.... the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy would see its $2.3 billion budget slashed by about 70 percent, to $700 million, under Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget request.

Federal Court Tells Betsy DeVos That Obama Rule to Protect Children of Color Must Take Effect Immediately

As we've stated dozens of times, Republicans within the Trump cabinet are HARD AT WORK EVERY DAY to destroy the funding and laws that seek to improve our country and our future.  Case in point right here as Betsy Devos has tried to eliminate a law that protects minority children from discrimination in schools. Seriously.

UPDATE: Wheeler Confirmed > In Slap To The Face Of Mother Earth, Trump To Nominate Andrew Wheeler As EPA Chief

On November 27, 2018, Smart Dissent posted the following on Andrew Wheeler.  Last week on February 28, 2019, Wheeler was confirmed to succeed Scott Pruitt.  He is just an evil but much more equipped to destroy our Earth without being noticed. We are in very serious trouble.

The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew R. Wheeler to be the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, giving oversight of the nation’s air and water to a former coal lobbyist and seasoned Washington insider.  

WHAT? Climate Change Denier Set to Lead Trump Advisory Panel to Study Climate Change Impacts

While the national conversation about climate change action likely has never been stronger, Republicans and Trump are as ignorant and evil as ever.  

The White House is working to assemble a panel to assess whether climate change poses a national security threat.... a conclusion that federal intelligence agencies have affirmed several times since Trump took office.

Trump Admin's Rollback of Worker Protection Rules is Under Investigation

While Trump and the Republican Party intentionally inflict direct harm on Americans workers, our environment, our economy, our schools, our healthcare, our future..... fortunately they often do things wrong and the courts can and have stepped in.  Perhaps another example here to help save workers until Democrats take over and restore some normalcy.
