
White House's Anti-Socialism Report Inadvertently Makes Case For Single-Payer Healthcare

If you're reading this web site, you pay attention to the news closely otherwise you never would have found us.  Thanks for that.  It also means you're smarter than most and are constantly infuriated by the stupidity of certain "leaders" of our country and the people who support them.  

Here's an example of this stupidity that makes us want to scream.

NOT A DRILL: Republican Congress Admits They Are Coming For Your Social Security and Healthcare. VOTE THEM OUT.

The GOP agenda, in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Cut taxes on corporations and the rich, increasing deficits

Step 2: Induce panic about high deficits, cut health care spending for the poor and elderly in response

Step 3: Repeat

Tax cuts reduced corporate tax revenue by almost a third even though corporate profits are through the ceiling. If Republicans win, they will push a “grand bargain” - no corporation pays a penny more but Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security will be on the chopping block. 


Republicans Will Cut Medicare and Social Security Admits Larry Kudlow, the TV Show Host Now Advising Trump

Trump administration officials and many Republicans are so lost in their bubble they sometimes say out loud exactly the evil they plan to do.  It's as if their stupidity overtakes their evil for a moment and they give up their entire game plan to us.  Is anyone paying attention?

A top economic adviser to Trump said on Monday [9/17/18] he expects.... there would likely be an effort in 2019 to cut spending on entitlement programs.  Kudlow did not specify where future cuts would be made.

Trump Admin Takes $260,000,000 from Cancer Research, HIV/AIDS Programs Because They Are Jailing Immigrant Children

The headline of this post is a completely accurate statement.  There's hardly anything else we can say but we'll include portions of the sourced articles below.

The Department of Health and Human Services is diverting millions of dollars in funding from a number of programs, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, to pay for housing for the growing population of detained immigrant children.

2,000,000 Low-Income Americans To Lose Benefits Under House Farm Bill

Nothing is more emblematic of the Trump doctrine than to spit in the face of a poor, homeless American.  Conservatives love to make it sound so simple.  Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps they say.  WHAT IF YOU HAVE NO BOOTS?  What if you literally have nothing?  These safety net programs are the last resort for millions of Americans.

Trump favors imposing stricter requirements on adult recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as food stamps, and has disparagingly described beneficiaries as “welfare” recipients.

GOP Wants a Second Tax Heist For Extremely Weathy; Adds $3,800,000,000 to Deficit

Republicans screamed at the top of their lungs for eight years under President Obama about budget deficits and our national debt.  They blamed him for bank bailouts initiated before his term.  They shot down vital stimulus plans to bring our economy out of a total collapse and, you know, make America great again.

As we wrote about in June 2018, the Republican tax heist is causing massive budget deficits

Trump Eliminates Pay Raises for Federal Employees Despite Cutting Taxes for Wealthy & Claiming Economy is Great

Trump said he's eliminating a pay raise for civilian federal employees slated for 2019 in order to "put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course."   He and Republicans fell all over themselves to give trillions of dollars of tax cuts to the wealthy and to big businesses, and they want to give them even more. But when it comes to working people, retirees, and the disabled, suddenly deficits matter again.

White House Admits Annual Budget Deficit Is Skyrocketing

The White House’s own budget projections see federal deficits surpassing $1 trillion in 2019 alone and beyond.

....the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimated that new legislation enacted since the release of its February budget — alongside new projections on other spending and receipts — would add $101 billion more to the 2019 deficit, pushing it above $1 trillion.
