Trump Administration Launches New Attack On Healthcare for Pre-Existing Conditions

Republican candidates up for election on November 6th have undertaken a surprising strategy for their hatred of healthcare for our people.... LYING.  Instead of facing their repeated votes and endless efforts to destroy the already-fragile healthcare system, they deny it all.  They claim with a straight face, along with Trump, that they're all for maintaining healthcare for pre-existing conditions.  They say they are the ones protecting us.  WHO ON EARTH IS STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THESE LIES?

The Republican Party’s assault on the Affordable Care Act continued Monday [10/22/18] as the Trump administration found yet another way to undermine the law’s insurance rules.

....rule change....means that people with serious medical problems are likely to have a harder time finding coverage ― and, ultimately, paying their medical bills.

Just ONE WEEK AGO, Republicans undermined our healthcare again.  VOTE THEM OUT.

Under guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services that takes effect immediately....state governments will have new leeway to request waivers from some of the federal health care law’s core requirements.

That includes requirements affecting which benefits insurance plans cover, as well as requirements on who gets financial assistance and how much, and how the people choosing insurance can use that assistance.

...this latest regulatory change is a reminder that the GOP has never given up on its goal of wiping “Obamacare” off the books, and that people with serious medical problems are likely to suffer as a result.

Monday’s rule change will favor [short term skinny plans].... leave beneficiaries exposed to catastrophic costs if they get seriously sick or injured, precisely because they leave out benefits that people need when they have serious medical problems. Often, the buyers of these plans aren’t even aware of the limits until it’s too late, because deciphering the fine print of these plans is so difficult.

 Yes, the Republican effort to sabotage "Obamacare" continues.  VOTE THEM OUT.  In summary:

Monday’s announcement represents the latest in a series of GOP efforts to accomplish through regulation what Republicans could not accomplish through legislation when they tried, and just barely failed, to pass legislation that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act outright.

These steps include dramatic cuts in funding for enrollment outreach and promotion, as well as a change in federal regulations that will allow people to hold on to limited-benefit, “short-term” plans for nearly three years. That change, along with repeal of the individual mandate’s financial penalty for people who don’t have comprehensive coverage, makes these short-term plans a more viable alternative for people.

These plans typically cover a lot less than the sorts of plans available through the Affordable Care Act. They may have weak coverage of prescriptions, if they have any at all, and leave out mental health altogether. Usually they do not cover pre-existing conditions and are often not available to people who have them.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018