Trump Admin Reauthorizes Cyanide Bombs to Kill Animals

M-44s are horrific death traps full of cyanide that kill thousands of unsuspecting animals every year INCLUDING pets.

Despite overwhelming public opposition, the Trump administration just reauthorized their use.

The Environmental Protection Agency has recently reauthorized the use of controversial chemical traps to kill coyotes, dogs, foxes and other wild animals across the U.S.  EPA officials approved the use of M-44 devices, which trap wildlife with bait before releasing sodium cyanide into their mouths, killing them.... environmental groups are calling for a nationwide ban and saying they are inhumane. 

The devices "inhumanely and indiscriminately killing thousands of animals every year," the Center for Biological Diversity said in a statement Wednesday. "They have also injured people." 

At the end of 2018, the EPA proposed the renewed use of sodium cyanide, allowing time for public comment until March.  More than 99.9 percent of comments urged the EPA to ban M-44s....

Cyanide deprives your body of oxygen; it is a horrific way to die.  The “cyanide bombs” reauthorized by EPA can and have been accidentally ingested by children & pets. The cruelty and disregard for life by Trump and his Republican administration is staggering.

According to Wildlife Services' data, M-44s killed 6,579 animals in 2018. More than 200 deaths were nontarget animals, including foxes, opossums, raccoons, skunks and a bear.

"In my 25 years working with M-44 victims I've learned that Wildlife Services' agents frequently do not follow the use restrictions," said Brooks Fahy, executive director of Predator Defense. "And warning signs will not prevent more dogs, wild animals and potentially children from being killed. They cannot read them. M-44s are a safety menace and must be banned."



Wednesday, August 28, 2019