ACTION: Call your Senator to tell them to vote NO on Betsy DeVos | Why NO on DeVos

Multiple Republican Senators are still undecided regarding the upcoming confirmation vote for Betsy DeVos' nomination to head the Department of Education. Senators Collins (R-ME) and Murkowski (R-AK) have announced their intentions to vote no. If every Democrat plus these 2 Republicans vote no, Vice President Pence will break a 50-50 tie to confirm. Only 1 more Republican Senator needs to vote no.

If you need more information about issues surrounding DeVos, please read this piece in her hometown newspaper:

North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis has let it be known that he's on the fence. Call his office if you live in North Carolina; call your friends who live in North Carolina to encourage them to call.

Senators Jerry Moran of Kansas, Jeff Flake of Arizona, and Dean Heller of Nevada were reportedly undecided as of Thursday evening. Encourage your friends in these states to flood their phone lines.

Listen to George Takei.

Saturday, February 4, 2017