Abortion Restrictions Increasing in Republican States

The Republican electoral wins across the country last November have real consquences.  The impact of these elections is that more Republicans are in positions of real, tangible power and they will spend every hour of every day implementing policies in an efficient, destructive manner.  There may be no more scary an example of this than abortion rights.

...abortion foes have passed about 50 new restrictions on access and expanded waiting periods and consent measures in state legislative chambers this year alone.  “We are seeing a heavy level of activity around abortion restrictions,” said Elizabeth Nash, who runs state-level programs at the Guttmacher Institute, which backs abortion rights.... the new measures are part of a long-term strategy to restrict the number of procedures performed every year...

For example, in Texas and Missouri in July:

The Texas Senate gave final approval this week to two new measures aimed at reducing the number of abortions performed in the state. One measure would require physicians performing abortions to report any complications to the state health commission. Another would require physicians to report information about minors who obtain abortions.

In Missouri, legislators signed off Tuesday on a measure that would require doctors to detail possible medical complications to women three full days before they obtain an abortion.  The bill would also allow Missouri’s attorney general to prosecute any violations of state abortion laws. Currently only local prosecutors are allowed to bring charges.

 Earlier this year, the attacks on women's right to choose are too many to name:

Legislators in Ohio, Iowa, South Dakota and Montana passed new laws banning abortions after 20 weeks. Tennessee passed a similar law....

Texas and Arkansas banned a common procedure for abortions conducted in the second trimester, known as dilation and evacuation.

Indiana, Oklahoma and Ohio banned abortions sought because of a fetus’s characteristics.

Indiana, West Virginia and Kansas placed new restrictions on minors seeking abortions, requiring parental consent before those procedures can take place. Oklahoma and Ohio legislators passed new laws to give fathers a say in whether abortions can be performed.

Be Smart and Stay Informed so that you can Actively Dissent. 

Sources: http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/344216-abortion-foes-on-offense-in-states-after-gop-wave 

Thursday, August 17, 2017