Trump Directs Federal Agencies to Cancel Diversity-Related Training

You probably msised this Friday night news leading into Labor Day, a purposeful time to dump news that Republicans want to avoid us noticing. 

Trump is moving to revamp federal agencies’ racial sensitivity trainings, casting some of them as “divisive” and “un-American”....

 OMB Director Russell Vought says Trump has asked him to prevent federal agencies from spending millions in taxpayer dollars on these training sessions.

It could not immediately be learned what training sessions Vought was referring to in the memo. Recent Fox News segments have heavily criticized “diversity and inclusion” efforts in the federal government started under the Obama administration.

So diversity and sensitivity training is un-American?  It never ends.....

....racial and diversity awareness trainings are essential steps in helping rectify the pervasive racial inequities in American society, including those perpetuated by the federal government. 

Racial awareness trainings can help officials realize unconscious bias in the awarding of contracts from the federal government.... can improve morale and cooperation in the workplace, and by increasing the diversity of perspectives, ultimately improve overall efficiency....

When will this nightmare end?



Wednesday, September 23, 2020